All information displayed on this page belongs to the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS). For general queries, please contact Statistics, Health or Nutrition Units for assistance.
There was an issue displaying the chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
There was an issue displaying the chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
There was an issue displaying the chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
There was an issue displaying the chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
There was an issue displaying the chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
There was an issue displaying the chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
There was an issue displaying the chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
There was an issue displaying the chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.